Thursday, February 20, 2014

8. Propaganda Map
The relationship we have with maps is reciprocal. We shape maps as much as maps shape us. For that reason, human-made maps can be used to impact our perceptions, consequently swaying our opinions. A propaganda map conveys information that is not always accurate, and can be intentionally misleading for the purpose of representing irregular geography. In this example, this map is trying to send readers the message of where America's foreign policy is heading towards under the Bush administration. If you click on the map source, it will bring you to the page where the writer is using this map to scare viewers into the geographic representation of "our future." It is implying disapproval of Bush's military agenda for pursuing an empire that is considered to be dangerous and hostile. This is effective because visual propaganda is so influential in depicting a clear image that is easily accessible and will leave viewers with a lasting impression on whatever message propaganda maps want to send.

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